The social security number (SSN) is a personal ID of people who live in the U.S..
When you rent a car, use any on-line service, or even apply a phone number in the U.S., having a SSN facilitates the processes.
In some situations, for instance, to apply for a credit card, you cannot succeed without a SSN.
On the other hand, SSN records many details of your personal information, so that some people who do care about their privacy do not like this "security" system.
For me, that is neutral to have one.
I guess the benefit will more than the cost.
It is easy to get a SSN if you are a J-1 visa holder as a visiting scholar (just like me).
The only thing you need to do is taking your passport, your DS-2019 visa document, and your I-94 form to go to the Social Security Administration Office.
Take a waiting number, fill out the SS-5 form, and wait for help.
And then you will receive a mail which encloses your Social Security Card about two weeks later.
但是在Harvard International Office那邊得知J-1 visa且是visiting scholar的人啥都不用多準備就可以申請SSN
嘿嘿,果然如此順利。(補充,如果是學生的話,必須要提供申請工作證明:letter of employment)
只不過到了David square站出口的Social Security Building後等有一點久,大概40分鐘吧,
有點想找化妝室,不僅Social Security Building沒有,鄰近的Dunkin' Donuts、Starbucks和麥當勞居然也沒有讓顧客使用的化妝室,
這張照片是David Square站出口附近的Social Security Building,進去抽號碼牌、先拿單子填,慢慢等就可以了。
跟Harvard Station一樣"暗"的David Square Station:
吃Dunkin' Donuts系列的歐姆蛋(在Boston,Dunkin' Donuts的密度跟台灣的7-11一樣多!),沒有很好吃,是"假的"歐姆蛋(不像軟軟溼溼的心目中的歐姆蛋),裡面還放冷凍蔬菜丁,ㄜ....
- Aug 25 Fri 2006 13:33
I applied my Social Security Number on the 10th day