目前分類:B│遊覽波士頓 (112)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2008-04-13 【餐廳】Boston Beer Works 趴兔 (36) (9)
2008-01-15 波士頓的小名 (182) (0)
2008-01-01 為什麼在紅襪隊比在時要唱Sweet Caroline (34) (1)
2007-11-25 交給波士頓的作業【Taste It】 (990) (1)
2007-11-08 搞笑諾貝爾獎(Ig Nobel)與Harvard Memorial Hall (80) (5)
2007-11-07 原來MIT Stata Center是中看不中用啊! (47) (1)
2007-10-29 RED SOX !!!!! 2007 Champion !!!! (5) (2)
2007-08-06 【餐廳】KO Prime Steakhouse (19) (6)
2007-08-05 【餐廳】Upstairs on the Square (32) (3)
2007-08-03 再登Prudential Observatory (52) (3)
2007-08-02 【餐廳】Blue Fin生魚片飯~,~怎麼這麼美啊..... (39) (4)
2007-08-01 前進芬威球場大成功(Red Sox Fenway Park) (814) (7)
2007-07-31 前進Fenway Park失敗紀錄 (27) (2)
2007-07-27 FreeFridayFlicks: Ice Age II (16) (2)
2007-07-26 Picnic in front of Shakespear (12) (0)
2007-07-25 Esplanade Concerts @ Hatch Memorial Shell (22) (1)
2007-07-25 城市中的魚缸 (33) (4)
2007-07-24 Free Shakespeare on the Common (9) (2)
2007-07-24 Boston Harbor 習作 (12) (5)
2007-07-23 為什麼在紅襪隊比賽時要唱Sweet Caroline? (2502) (2)
2007-07-20 The Boston Movie Walk Tour (20) (1)
2007-07-15 賞鯨日(Whale Watch: Mass Bay Lines) (330) (0)
2007-07-14 Revere Beach (+ Kelly's Roast Beef) (104) (4)
2007-07-13 【波士頓餐廳集二】最近在吃什麼東西阿 (56) (4)
2007-07-07 【餐廳】摩洛哥餐廳與水煙 (Tangierino & Casbah Lounge) (967) (2)
2007-07-05 2007美國國慶煙火(Boston Fireworks Show) (24) (0)
2007-06-30 Anne與我(iii):哈佛校園巡禮 (22) (0)
2007-06-29 Anne與我(ii): Duck Tour以及接下來的10小時 (21) (11)
2007-06-28 Anne與我(i):Trinity、Public library、Prudential Tower、Christian Science Plaza、M.B. Library... (22) (3)
2007-06-23 北角午後:Harbor, Little Italy, Pual Revere's House, Haymarket (31) (4)
2007-06-22 【餐廳】Mr. Bartley's Burger (Since 1960) (38) (1)
2007-06-20 【餐廳】S&S (14) (0)
2007-06-20 【餐廳】Toscanini's 冰淇淋 (Best of Boston 2009 Ice Cream) (37) (0)
2007-06-20 【餐廳】The Daily Catch (North End, Boston) (343) (2)
2007-05-31 注意!天鵝巢,請勿靠近! (58) (3)
2007-05-26 Charles River Kayaking (查爾斯河划愛斯基摩船) (190) (9)
2007-05-07 【餐廳】衣索比亞料理:Addis Red Sea (364) (1)
2007-05-06 Walk for Hunger (2007) (26) (7)
2007-04-28 【餐廳】Grendel's Bar + Restuaruant (6) (0)
2007-04-27 Harvard Memorial Hall中的"哈利波特大食堂" (880) (5)
2007-04-26 Big Apple Circus (大蘋果馬戲團) (385) (3)
2007-04-22 the world's largest model of the human genome (麻州大道變身人類基因) (2) (5)
2007-04-21 31st ANNUAL FREE-SAILING WEEKEND (年度免費航海週末) (6) (2)
2007-04-20 The 1st Annual Cambridge Science Festival (第一屆劍橋科學慶) (8) (1)
2007-04-17 春芽與冰淇淋 (9) (0)
2007-04-17 Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day (44) (4)
2007-04-16 It's all about the promises! (Boston Marathon 2007) (7) (2)
2007-04-15 第111屆波士頓馬拉松,明冒雨登場喔! (19) (6)
2007-04-11 Project Bread - The Walk for Hunger (為飢餓而走) (15) (10)
2007-04-04 四月雪 (3) (1)
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