
一首是第七局伸展時間(7th inning stretch)的Take me out to the ball game (非專屬於某球隊,全美球賽都愛唱,不知道在台灣球場玩不玩?)

另一首算是波士頓紅襪的主題曲:Sweet Caroline。(紅襪主場第八局)

會唱Take me out to the ball game很合情合理,坐到腳麻起立動一動,唱唱這首朗朗上口又跟花生、餅乾有關係的歌,振奮一下氣氛。

Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out to the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack,
I don't care if I never get back,
Let me root, root, root for the home team (Red Sox),
If they don't win it's a shame.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game.

上面影片中Kellie Pickler把peanuts改成popcorn,把home team改啥隊名我就聽不懂了。

但是為什麼要唱Sweet Caroline就很奇怪勒!

Look at the night
And it dont seem so lonely
We fill it up with only two
And when I hurt
Hurtin runs off my shoulders
How can I hurt when Im holding you
Warm, touchin warm
Reachin out
Touchin me
Touchin you
Sweet caroline (球迷:oh, oh, oh)
Good times never seemed so good (球迷:so good, so good, so good)
Ive been inclined (球迷:oh, oh, oh)
To believe they never would
Oh, no, no


1998年紅襪隊的一個員工在女兒Caroline出生當天,請當年Fenway Park音樂負責人Amy Tobey播放這首Sweet Caroline,從當天起,Amy在紅襪球場比賽時,到了第八局,只要她覺得紅襪勝券在握,就會播放Sweet Caroline這首歌。直到2002年,Fenway Park異主,新主人John Henry希望在每場紅襪主場都播放這首幸運歌曲。從此這就是紅襪隊的主題曲啦!。



我是很想放上一個Fenway Park場內Sweet Caroline的YouTube檔案啦!但是,你知道,人一激動,唱得實在是不忍目睹(耳聞)....,想看的人自己去YouTube上瞧瞧吧。

謝謝薇薇安夫婦要我做的"前進Fenway Park防無聊"功課。:)


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